
I capture light, to tell a story. From sensors to silver. In the end though, it is always the story that matters more than the technology used. I continually ask myself, what am I communicating. Does the image speak.


I tell stories. For you to view and enjoy. I want you to experience a joyful, unexpected journey, arriving at an ending that fulfills.


Design is a collaboration of multiple elements working to communicate a message. I consider anything I create that involves images, text, and form my design. It is problem solving. This is what I enjoy most. First, to understand, then answer that question in a way that brings the viewer closer to an answer.

robert barney rbrt brny

I live in Boise. I love art, and you. I’ve been around a number of years, and hope to have a few more.

LATEST Thoughts

What makes a story?-The story is sculpture... to be chipped away... until all that remains is forward motion.


Visual Communicator – I tell stories. To view and enjoy. I want you to experience a joyful, unexpected journey, arriving at ending that fulfills. What […] Read More

I capture light, to tell a story. From sensors to silver.-R.Barney


I capture light, to tell a story. I don’t believe in just being a photographer or illustrator. The camera is only a tool. A means […] Read More

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